When you are getting ready to sell there are several things you can do to boost the value of your home. It can help you find serious buyers who are willing to pay more, while also shortening the time it takes to exchange contracts so you can plan your next move.
The kitchen and bathroom are two rooms that will receive most of the attention from prospective buyers, so it pays to invest in these spaces to increase the value of your home. You don’t have to spend a wild amount of money to renovate either of these rooms, as simple changes such as upgrading fixtures, replacing unit doors or repainting the walls can give the space an entirely new lease of life. But if you do have the money to completely transform the bathroom or kitchen it’s an investment that will allow you to list your home at a higher price and ultimately make you home more saleable.
Conservatories and garden buildings have become increasingly popular over the past 10-15 years, enabling homeowners to extend their living space and add value to their property. Most conservatories will not require planning permission (Building Regulations still apply) and there are a wide range of styles that can be built, depending on the type of property you own. Garden buildings also serve as a fantastic feature that can help your home stand out from others being viewed by buyers, as they can be put to use as a home office, entertainment room, kid’s playroom and more.
If you live in a period property you may also have an old boiler and central heating system that isn’t as energy efficient as modern models. Installing a new system can not only improve the EPC rating of your home, but also add value so you can sell at a higher price. Even if the system is in good working order, it is a good idea to have it serviced and the pipes flushed out, as this will ensure it is performing to its maximum capacity.
Most homes have minor issues that are dealt with later rather than sooner, which is fine if you aren’t planning to sell up. But if you are putting it onto the market, you should attend to any cracked tiles, broken door or lighting fixtures, cracks and holes in walls and worn-out carpet or flooring. Give the property a thorough clean from top to bottom, especially the bathroom and kitchen, and if needed, tidy up the back garden to make it look more presentable.
A large majority of buyers will make a drive-by visit to a property they would like to view before making an appointment. To make an initial impression you should ensure the front of your home is in good condition, with well-maintained windows, a fully repaired roof, decluttered front garden and pathway and a front door that doesn’t look old and dated. It will also help to set the right tone as buyers walk into your home for the very first time.
If you have bold colours on your walls, you should consider repainting to a more neutral tone. In the short time they are in your home, buyers will want to imagine how they could use and live in the space, and lighter, neutral tones will encourage that. Neutral colours will also brighten the room and make it look bigger, which is especially useful if the space is compact or doesn’t have a lot of exposure to natural sunlight.
Oct 27, 2022